Monday, March 14, 2011

Beat the Monday Blues

             Oh happy day! Let us start the Monday with a BIG smile on our faces. I know, I know..I can hear you all,  I believe that many of us practically hate Monday mornings. To  simplify, it means that working week has finally kicked off again. Oh well, that is why rainy days and Mondays keep me

              To beat the Monday blues, ponder on this, we don't need New Year to be better, all we need is a Monday to change for the better and live the life we always wanted.

Be Inspired. Pass it on. I love Monday mornings!

Cheers to life!

Give me a BIG smile, buddy!

Saturday, March 05, 2011


Sweet Serenity

alone but not sad...


Hello there newbie!

         Hello everyone! Welcome to my little nook in the online world. It's a fulfillment to finally start a blog on my own. I have been a lurker of blogs for a long time, I find it liberating for someone to write anything as his heart desires.Hence, I am thrilled to find the zest to join this community and  achieve my yearning to write anything under the sun.

My Happy Pill

            By the way, I want you to meet this cute little boy in the picture above, my godson, he wants to welcome you all for stumbling upon this blog. Be Inspired. Pass it on.

Keep calm and keep on writing! 

Thank you for dropping by!